In the Depths of the ocean
There is treasure to be found
But there are many dangers
In the Depths
When nothing can overcome
Panic and doubts
Sinking is inevitable
And must be accepted
The pressure of the water
Presses in on every side
The air is these lungs
Begins to seep out
The darkness gets darker
And swallows the light
That once shone on the treasure
And gave a way out

Nothing in this darkness
Can ever be seen
So illusions take the place
Of what is real
Dangers both real
And hallucinated
Began to deface
The glory that healed
As time slips past
Memory melts away
Along with the life
The darkness stole
What was the treasure
And where was the way?
Was it up or down?
Was it worth it at all?
And there in the depths
Hanging in the balance
The soul loses hope
That once glowed with the Light
And finally here
With the weight of His absence
Lower and lower
She sinks out of sight