I feel like every time
I pray like this
I have to write things down
Because I won't remember it
Or I might not have
Another experience like this
But it's just like a friendship
When you talk to someone
You both remember it
You cultivate that friendship
And build it on memories
And when I pray to You,
You remember
So Jesus, teach me how to pray
To build this friendship
This trust
This love
Sometimes I feel like a baby Christian
Because in truth I have not been
A Christian that long
When I was sixteen
I felt like I could not get closer to You
Like there was no way
I could do any more
For You
I was so hungry
For Your Word
So hungry
To serve You
But even then
Was I praying like I should?
Jesus, teach me how to pray
What is a relationship
Without communication?
What kind of relationship
Only goes one way?
When I read the Bible
That is You speaking to me
But when I pray
That is me speaking to You
And I need that
As much as anything
I know You delight
To hear from me
So teach me how to pray
I feel ashamed
That all this time
I've been a Christian
I haven't learned properly
How to pray
I haven't been comfortable
Just sitting down
Being quiet with my own thoughts
And talking to You
When in reality
It should be the easiest thing
In the world
And either my activities
Are more important
Or maybe I've just
Fed myself with so many things
That don't require
Brain activity
That I have lost
That desperate sense
Of the need to pray
So teach me the desperateness
And teach me how to pray
Let me be as comfortable
With You
As I am with any friend
Even more so
Because I don't often sit down
And talk to friends
Like I know I need
To talk to You
Teach me how to talk
And teach me how to pray
You told your disciples
How to pray
'Father in Heaven
Hallowed be You name
Your Kingdom come
Your will be done
On earth as it is in Heaven
Give us this day
Our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive our those
Who have trespassed against us
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For Yours is the kingdom
And the power
And the glory forever'
And I've often heard
Many sermons
'Hallowed be Your name'
Is a plea that Your name
Be glorified and holy
'Your kingdom come'
And 'Your will be done'
Is asking You to do
What You are already
Going to do
What is in Your plan
'On earth as it is in Heaven'
Is asking You to supersede
Human nature
And do Your will
Even as it is in done Heaven
With perfect angels
Despite the imperfections
Here on earth
'Give us this day
Our daily bread'
Is a request that
You give us
What we need
Which is far too often
What we do
Far too often...
And even beyond
Our needs, for things
We do not need
Teach me to be content
'Forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those
Who have trespassed against us'
Is asking You to forgive
Our sins
A thing of which
I do not do
Nearly enough
And a thing of which
I need to be taught
'Lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil'
Is begging you to help us
In the future
With the sins we commit
Every day
And I need to do that more
'For Yours is the power
And the glory
Forever and ever'
Is giving us the reason
That we pray
Is it all to Your glory
And you have the power
To answer
So teach me how to pray
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