Friday, August 2, 2013

Feel Again

Numb, breathless, and dead to the core,
I used to think I could feel no more
Until you brought me back to life.

Your clear vision and contagious light,
Your endless passion and love of life
Slowly drew me out of my shell.

Suffocating lies and despair dispelled,
Lifelessness chased away from where I fell,
And all that was left was Peace.

Fully surrounded by sudden bliss,
I looked up to find the war had ceased.
I am indebted to you, for I can feel again.


  1. What a beautiful poem! I especially love the last lines, about looking up to see that the war had ceased. It speaks to my heart.

  2. I'm glad it does. I love it when other people's writing speaks to my heart. I am glad that mine can too. :)
