Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Broken Cup

The lies have starved me
I've been consuming them
But they leave holes that only truth can fill
No longer do I ask for what
I want 'cause that's a lie too, but I ask
To fill me with Your will

I've been in this desert so long
The rocks the Liar said would be good for food I've tasted.
But they made me hungrier
I forget why I'm here; I'm wasting
Away and the only thing that can save me now
Is Your Truth coming down from Heaven

Don't tempt me with the rocks that I can turn into false bread
All these false fillers are my broken cysterns
I've tried drinking outta them
But it just ain't working
Like the Liar I wanted to think it worked too
Not rejecting 'em 'cause I'm blinded

Nah, my eyes are open and all that I can do is 
Hunger and thirst to taste Him
The true Manna that comes from heaven 
That no container preserves but dependence
Every day I open empty hands and ask my Love to fill 'em up
I put myself under His ocean; all I have is a little clay cup

He is my all around me though the dryness of the desert is still real
I'm in an oasis of His grace 
Where only broken cups can heal
Only He could show me that I'm broken
Only He could show me how to be filled 
For every broken cistern I've tasted that promises more if I go back to it

To every broken cistern, I've tasted better waters
I ask for faith to help my unbelief
And I swim out even farther, so thankful to be a broken cup 
Because the cracks are where he overflows
Until you realize you are a broken cup
This ocean of grace you cannot know

* Some things God brought to mind in the writing of this were the song, "Clear The Stage" by Jimmy Needham, Genesis 22 where Abraham surrendered what he loved most with knife in hand, and Luke 4 where Jesus refused to eat anything but the Truth and the Truth alone. 

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