Friday, July 12, 2013

Strong Arms

Everyone needs a hug once in a while. But when things are going on in your life that you just aren't sure about and you don't know how they could possibly turn out for the better, you need something more. Right now, I feel like I need Someone strong to hold me.

I have been held in the past... a long time ago. But the strength in those arms was meaningless. That strength couldn't really protect me, couldn't really make everything better; that strength had no control. Yet I was desperate to feel safe. So desperate I settled for a false sense of security. 

I know I have looked for security in the wrong places, and yet it seems that I can't help but keep looking there. I don't know how many times I have wished that Jesus would wrap me up in his arms and let me cry in His lap. If I had one wish, I would ask for nothing more. There's something about being held in physical arms that nothing can compare to. But I know I won't get that privilege until I'm in Heaven. 

His perfect Peace will have to be what I rest in until then.


  1. And oh how we long for that moment.
    "I will arise and go to Jesus. He will embrace me in His arms. In the arms of my dear Savior, oh, there are ten thousand charms."
